We at House of Cure are committed to keeping practitioners and patients safe amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. In order to do so, we are applying specific safety measures to reduce the risk of infection transmission and exposure.
House of Cure Against COVID-19
Sterilisation &
Donning & Doffing
General Safety
House of Cure has implemented strict infection control measures as per the guidelines. These include use of personal protective equipment, instrument sterilisation at regular intervals, surface and environmental disinfection respiratory etiquettes, and basic hand hygiene.
Use of certified PPE kits are recommended for doctors and shoe cover and masks are mandatory for patients. We’ve installed air purifiers with true HEPA filter, that removes 99.97% airborne pollutants with 4-stage filtration.
Safety measures are implemented as per the guidelines issued by CDC (Centre for Disease Control – USA), MOHFW – Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, and AIIMS guidelines to prevent Covid-19 transmission.
Common medical instruments/ equipments
House of Cure provides basic medical diagnostic tools and instruments. If such tools will be used for more than one patient, they will be sterilized and disinfected before use on another patient according to W.H.O guidelines.
We follow autoclave sterilisation, liquid disinfection and UV light disinfection for each instrument using certified solutions in accordance with established disinfectant policy by C.D.C.
Patient Safety
Following steps are implemented for patient safety
- It is mandatory for the visitors and patients to use shoe cover and mask
- On arrival, the patients have to sanitise their hands and go through thermal screening to detect body temperature fluctuations and testing through a pulse oximeter for blood oxygen saturation levels which is an early indicator of Covid-19
- They are then provided with disposable shoe covers and head caps. After sanitising their feet and hands, they are allowed to enter the respective appointment room
- Once the appointment gets over, the entire room is sanitized using surface disinfectants and containing certified sanitising solutions
- A 15 minutes’ gap is maintained between two appointments to ensure proper sanitation
- Biomedical and clinical waste is sealed and disposed off
- Patient is asked to dispose the shoe covers and head caps given in a designated disposal area
- Separate Covid19 consent form for doctor and patient is mandatory
Since we follow appointments only, our premises will never be crowded and social distancing is maintained
Does House of Cure provide PPE kits for doctors?
A complete protective gear including, a SITRA certified 90 GSM body gown with head cover, face shield, 3 ply mouth mask, shoe cover, pair of double gloves is available with us at a basic additional charge of Rs. 800 (on pre booking)
Practitioners can also bring their own protective gear, as long as it follows the guidelines.